
Red Cross Immediate Financial Assistance program

Financial Relief
How to Redeem

Event Date & Time

Starting January 15, 2025, we will actively begin outreach to specific individuals whose primary residences were located within these defined areas. These individuals are eligible for this initial Red Cross Immediate Financial Assistance program. For those we have contact information for, we will send an invitation to enroll via email, text message, or phone call directly from the American Red Cross. These invitations are sent via email and text, based on the contact information we have available; phone calls will also be made. If you receive an invitation to complete an application for financial assistance you can complete the entire process virtually by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS (800-733-2767) to enroll, confirm eligibility and receive financial assistance.  Each household will receive at least 3 contact attempts, defaulting to phone calls when other methods are not available. There are thousands of people in the outreach list, and it takes time for us to reach everyone. These messages will in sent batches of around 1500-2500 per day.   • Emails will come from “American Red Cross” with the email address clientservices@rccare.redcross.org • For the text message and phone call, the number can vary.   All Red Cross services, including immediate financial assistance, are available to individuals regardless of nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The Red Cross is a charity, not a government agency and people do not need to be American citizens to receive our help. Red Cross financial assistance is not a loan and does not need to be repaid. Â